Thursday, March 24, 2011

Scrapbooking: it's not just for Grandma!

I’m going to keep this post short… just a little thought from my personal experience. 

We all want to live the “American Dream”, but the truth is we all have different visions of what that dream looks like.  About three years ago, I began compiling a notebook of photos & ideas for my absolute dream home.  The notebook is separated by tabs labeled “Exterior”, “Kitchen”, “Master Bath”, “Hardware”, etc. and in each category I’ve cut out magazine articles, clippings, and pictures of home ideas that I really really like and would someday like to incorporate if I’m fortunate enough to build a custom home.

Now, it’s up to you how far you wish to take this little “scrapbook” idea, but I would strongly recommend that you start building one of your own.  Even if you never desire to build a custom home, the book will be very beneficial when you wish to rent or buy.  It’s always a bit of a challenge to understand a buyer’s vision, and sharing this scrapbook with your agent will give them a very detailed and specific understanding of what you are looking for in a home.

Just a small idea that takes very little time but could have big rewards in the end.

Comment if you have similar ideas that will help buyers and/or sellers of real estate!

Hope everyone’s enjoying their Spring Break!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have a scrapbook going as well... Mine includes several other areas outside of a home, but that is a strong sections. It is a great for all!