Monday, April 4, 2011

Love Thy Neighbor... BEFORE Buying

You know, it often happens that in our search for the perfect home, we can so easily get caught up in focusing all of our attention on the home itself.  I’m sure there are hundreds of thousands of horror stories from buyer’s who have purchased a property only to later find out that there are “issues” in the surrounding environment.  Planes flying low overhead, coyotes in neighboring fields that howl through the night, barking dogs at the neighbor’s house or even, the neighbors themselves.

You just never know what you’re going to run into when moving into a new neighborhood and, thus, acquiring new neighbors.  Maybe the Dad next door plays blaring electric guitar in his garage every evening, or the kids new drum set is in his room right next to your master.  Perhaps the 5-bedroom home next to you has turned into a rental for local college kids who like to party late into the night.  Maybe there’s just something “off” with the family across the street.

There are going to be situations like this that are just unavoidable.  Life has a way of throwing things at us that are unexpected.  However, we can all save ourselves potential headaches and hedge our risk of “neighborly” disturbances by simply taking an evening to walk the block, introduce yourself and talk with the neighbors BEFORE you purchase a home.  Ask questions like “Are there any issues with the neighbors?”, “Do you do things together as a neighborhood?”, “What do you like best/least about this neighborhood”, etc.  It’s a quick and simple way to bring some peace of mind to what could be the biggest purchase of your life!  Have fun with it; grab your spouse or a friend, make a cocktail or pour a glass of wine for “the road” and head on out….  You never know what you’re going to find!

1 comment:


Good post Matt! aka - due diligence defined!